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Firmware Update

Roger Longenbach emailed me this morning that the 1.1.0 firmaware update is available.

Here's Roger's email


You’ll need your serial # to download.

Download file. Extract file. Verify the file size as stated on the webpage.

Find a clean CF or SD card, format it in the camera.

Copy firmware to CF/SD. Turn on the camera, go to the firmware # on the menu. Press the set button and it’ll ask if you want to update the firmware. The camera will reboot, and then you’ll be asked to update from 1.0.8 (or 9 if you have it) to 1.1.0 and confirm again. Then it’ll start updating – warning do not turn off or touch any buttons! Is the warning. The update takes a few mins. The screen will show you how it’s doing. Then it’ll let you know it’s complete and when you click OK it’ll reboot again. Firmware updated.


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