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Podcast #2 Posted Tonight

On this episode I'll discuss the Mark III's image sensor, the Digic III processor and the new sRAW file format.

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A correction and a question for you. First the correction: you said that the older 1D mkII and mkIIN cameras had APS-C sensors. This is incorrect, they also had the 1.3x crop factor as the 1D mkIII. Only the 10/20/30D and the Rebel line have the APS-C sensors.

Now the question - as the SRAW format is a smaller file than normal RAW, has it been confirmed that the 1DmkIII can shoot more than 30 SRAW frames in burst mode? It depends on how it handles the processing, and if the SRAW file is simply scaled down from a full-size RAW image in the buffer, you wouldn't necessarily get any more shots before the buffer filled up. It would be nice to have clarification from Canon or a hands-on test of this.

Liking the podcast very much so far.

You are absolutly correct about the sensor size in the Mk II and Mk IIn ... I misread the specs in the Canon data. The Canon data actually states "the (Mk III) sensor is apprecaibly larger than the APS-C and about the same size as the sensors in the EOS-1D Mark II and Mark IIn.

Regarding the frames per second while shooting in sRAW, I suppose we'll see when ˆ get my hands on a Mark III ... but you may be right about the images being scaled down in the image processor.

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